
Ecommerce websites for selling decorative lighting

Ecommerce websites for selling decorative lighting

Ecommerce websites for selling decorative lighting

Stanislav Malliani


Product Designer, Visual Designer,

Marketing Designer,

Product Manager.


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Google Analytics,

Google Tag Manager, Tilda, Shopify, Meta Business Manager


Competitors Analysis, User Research, Market Research, Supplier Research, Usability Testing, Visual Design, Qualitative Research, Motion Design.


This will be not typical case study; it's my side project, a seasonal business dedicated to selling decorative christmas lighting through an online store. I initially succeeded in the Ukrainian market during the first 2019-2020 season, and the following year, I expanded to offer worldwide delivery.

Alongside design and website creation, I took on various responsibilities, including analyzing products, managing suppliers, launchig paid advertising campaigns, handling inventory, dealing with taxes, and more.

I'll be adding the project's description gradually.

Stanislav Malliani