E-commerce website for clothing brand

E-commerce website for clothing brand

E-commerce website for clothing brand

Stanislav Malliani


Product Designer, Marketing Designer


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Google Analytics,

Google Tag Manager, Tilda


Competitors Analysis, User Research, Usability testing, Visual Design, Qualitative Research


Pretent is a women's clothing start-up known for premium fabrics, unique designs, and exceptional customer care. When the site was launched, the brand kept it simple- approx. 50 clothing items spread across 5 categories.

Business Goals

The site should naturally introduce visitors to product offerings, encourage lead generation, and drive sales. To align with the business requirements and user habits, it was important to drive subscribers to the client's Instagram page by making the links from the website to Instagram more visible and user-friendly.

It's important to mention that the client chose not to set up online payment processing on their website. Instead, they preferred to confirm orders via phone or messenger and handle payments through a third-party service provider.


Drive online sales


Drive subscribers to Instagram page

Market research


Full market research text

In this particular situation, the client and I identified both direct and indirect competitors thorough an analysis of their product offerings. Direct competitors were categorized as those offering similar products in the same price range and style as ours. Indirect competitors were recognized as those providing different clothing models within our price segment. Additionally, we factored in the business scale of competitors to pinpoint the areas where my client could operate more successfully.

Upon scrutinizing competitors' websites and offerings, several noteworthy conclusions emerged:

1. Numerous brands predominantly operate sales through social media platforms.

  1. Primary focus on showcasing photos and videos of products

3. Not all existing brands maintain online stores

4. Modern online stores are primarily found in well-established brands that offer products in a higher price segment

5. Mobile optimized website is crutial and top priority


Aligning with business goals and considering market research insights, I encountered the following challenges and and devised corresponding solutions:

Monochrome Product Range: The clothing models of client were all in monochrome tones, posing a challenge in creating a UI that wouldn't overshadow the products due to the lack of contrast in the photos.

Limited Content Variety: The available content was restricted to catalog product photos, lacking additional materials like backstage videos or lifestyle photos for emotional customer engagement. To address this, I introduced galleries with large product photos and strategically incorporated whitespace. Additionally, I proposed integrating the Instagram feed to partially alleviate the content scarcity issue.

Information architecture examples

Product page


Slider with photo/video gallery


Product Name, an e-commerce block featuring a size picker, an "Add to Cart" button, and a concise product description


Dropdowns with additional info


A responsible website with easy navigation and a user-friendly structure was created. The production process was simple, requiring minimal effort from the developers.

This allowed the project to be released within budget. Within the first month after the launch, the website generated its first sales. Further improvements to the site will be made based on metrics and the maturation of the client's business processes.

Stanislav Malliani