Website for real estate development company

Website for real estate development company

Website for real estate development company

Stanislav Malliani


Product Designer, Visual Designer,

Marketing Designer


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Google Analytics,

Google Tag Manager, Tilda


Competitors Analysis, User Research, Low and Hi-fi wireframing, Usability testing, Visual Design, Qualitative Research


Dayberg is a real estate development company specializing in the sale of land plots for private house construction within their housing estate. The company also undertakes the construction of various public facilities, such as stadiums and playgrounds, to enhance the attractiveness of plot purchases for potential customers.

When I began working on the project back in 2018, the company's website was poorly optimized for mobile devices and had an outdated appearance.

Back then the housing estate itself didn't stand out from visual perspective significantly since the project was still in its early stages. Visual content, like photos and videos, was in short supply. To compensate, I decided to showcase the benefits of the area through descriptive text and emphasize our plans for upcoming and future developments.

Main Problems

Based on analyses of the existing website, user research, and communication with stakeholders, the following main problems were identified:

Land plot areas options, features, and prices were not properly displayed on the website.

After visiting the website, users did not remember the benefits of the Dayberg housing estate.

The conversion rate to motivated leads or calls was unsatisfactory.

The bounce rate was high (>80%), and the average session duration was low (<1 minute).


It was decided to make significant changes to the existing content, visuals, and page structure to ensure that the benefits were clear and attractive. I wanted to ensure clear and contextually appropriate calls to action, with text that vary depending on the place and surrounding content.

Additionally, I reorganized the information architecture on each page to help users develop a positive impression of the company and encourage them to schedule a personal tour.

Information architecture examples

Main page Hero section


Here I demonstrate the lowest possible plot price. Based on the results of user survey price stands out as one of strongest advantages in this case


The strongest benefits of plots and housing estate


Buttons section where user can instantly book a callback or browse all available plot areas.

Thus, after viewing the first screen, the user already has a complete idea of the company's offer, including its main advantages. Additionally, the user can contact sales right away.

Main page 2-nd screen


Brief description of housing estate


Secondary benefits

Here, I present specific advantages relevant to users who require detailed information while considering their options.

Main page Plots collection

Since there were only a few drone photos of the plots, I incorporated additional visual elements, such as size measurements, to enhance the distinctiveness of the photos.


Title with instant response to the main question of customers: Yes, all public serveces to the plots have been incorporated.


Land area size and price


Buttons section. By clicking on [Phone] button user get instant call back modal.

Main page All Benefits section

As I mentioned earlier, I had limited photos to work with, but it was essential to convey the company's competitive advantages. After discussing and gaining approval from top management regarding the company's existing and future plans on communications, I created a section that detailed these benefits.


Title with strong subtitle “-30% on utility bills”.


List of all benefits


Button leads to page with detailed info about communications


After updating the website, the bounce rate dropped to approximately 50-60%, and the average session duration increased by 20% to approximately 70-90 seconds, depending on the traffic source.

Bounce Rate dropped to 50-60%

Average session duration increased by 20%

Average session duration takes approx. 70-90 sec.

Leads from the website appear more motivated and interested. A repeated user survey noted that users remembered more information about the housing estate after visiting the updated website.

Users now tend to remember plot sizes, plot prices, the housing estate's address, and some of the benefits, such as security services, which appear to be one of the most valuable benefits for sailors and their spouses (core audience).

My future ongoing contribution in project

Further development of the website relied on metrics, regular feedback from the sales department, and insights provided by Hotjar. I constantly track product metrics through Google Analytics.

Beside the website, I actively participated in marketing activities, have created dozens of static and video banners for advertising campaigns. I collaborated with photographers and videographers to produce new visual content.

Additionally, I collaborated with Google PPC specialists to gather their feedback on the website's performance from their perspective and provided them with the necessary marketing materials for successful advertising campaigns and participate in creation and validation of marketing hypothesis.

Stanislav Malliani